Friday, December 5, 2008

Even More GIS

Today we learned how to add grids, a legend, a title, a scale, and a north arrow to our GIS maps. It made a big difference on our maps, they look much better. And we learned how to crop our image.

The last movie I saw was four christmases that I saw with three people with cerebral palsy and two girls who help take care of them.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today we worked with a GPS outside and learned how to find coordinates so we can put them on our GIS map. I was a little confused trying to open my excel sheet in GIS because I couldn't find the file.

The toughest thing I have to do these last days of school is get 12 hours of volunteer hours in by next wednesday.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We worked in ArcGIS today on labeling parts of our layers so we can see clearly which area we are working with and how to add strike and dips to our maps. I was not confused or lost today.

One of my favorite web sites is facebook because that's where I talk to a lot of my friends and family and get to see pictures of memories.

Friday, November 21, 2008

more arc gis

We worked in ArcGIS again with our mylars and learned how to create a shape and zoom to each layer. I was frustrated today because I was behind and had a hard time following. my mylar didn't ever show up.

I start listening to Christmas music after thanksgiving because I don't like skipping that holiday straight to christmas.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


We worked in Arc GIS today working with different layers and making them transparent so that we could see the parts we needed to work on including our mylar we scanned. I had a little trouble following today because I did not have my image scanned already.

A good book i have read lately is called the memory keepers daughter. it is about a girl born with down syndrome who is cared for by the nurse of the girl's mother.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today we worked in arcGIS and learned how to organize a map that we will put in our paper. We learned to be organized and where to get pictures. I was not confused about anything today.

My favorite place to eat is pizza hut, we would eat there on my birthday all the time.

Friday, November 14, 2008


today we did a test review and went over illustrator, powerpoint, and photoshop. we did not finish the review paper, so i still have questions, but I will ask them later.

i know a nerdy science joke that you all probably know. one atom said to the other, i don't feel so good, i think i lost an electron. the other atom said, really are you sure?
yeah, i'm positive.